How can you tell the story of a place without introducing obtrusive signs? And how can we make these signs sturdy and vandal-proof without making them bulky?  Where is the best location for each monument’s interpretive sign – so a photo opportunity next to it would not be ruined?

These are the questions that Architect Zaid Masannat set out to answer when requested by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the Petra Development Tourism Region Authority (PDTRA) in Jordan to develop signage systems in their most prized sites.  The process of interpreting a site like Petra with tens of attractions and monuments was a daunting one. It took a team of experts, archaeologists, copywriters and graphic designers to complete the content development at USAID/Siyaha project.  And then, it came down to selecting the right materials, production techniques and exact specifications for these signs to stand the test of time, extreme weather and quite often flagrant abuse.

The system designed proved to be so successful and unique, it was adopted in all major archaeological sites in Jordan: Petra, Jerash, Ajloun, Amman Citadel, Umm El-Jmal, Madaba Archaeological Park and others. Tested and tried, over a period of 10 years the signs are still standing serving their function today.

Contact us and fill us in on your next signage, historical/heritage site interpretation project or way-finding signage project, and we will be happy to provide solutions. Solutions that simply work, stand the test of harsh conditions and time.

Our signage systems had to be very durable and vandal proof, blended really well with the surroundings, kept a shy distance from the monuments, modular with panels that can be serviced off-site and most importantly they had to be completely reversible.