Vestibulum ut efficitur nibh. Integer rhoncus nunc eu massa dignissim molestie. Pellentesque blandit eros vel dolor finibus mattis. Nulla rhoncus hendrerit justo, a aliquam ex blandit quis. Nam odio nisl, scelerisque sed lobortis id, lobortis at ante. Aliquam varius et lacus vel varius. Vivamus efficitur nec massa a faucibus. Nam ut velit tortor. Suspendisse lacinia vehicula nisi, at gravida purus porta et. Cras tristique massa libero.
We specialize in building your interiors around your brand. We do not just add your logo to the interior, we reflect your brand culture in all interior surroundings.
Creations is uniquely positioned to offer wholistic designs that integrate branding with interior design. Whether it is a commercial space, a restaurant, an exhibit or museum … our staff will deploy their expertise in delivering creative designs that work for you.
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We designed to most prominent Visitor Centers in Jordan, including the museum-like Petra Visitor Center, Jerash Visitor Center and offered solutions for revamping the Ajloun Visitor Center.
Telling the Story of Place
We dive deep into the history of place and archaeological archives to tell the story of place through the ages. In the Petra Visitor Center, the visitor would get the full brief on Nabataean culture, arts, architecture, religion, trade and industry before delving into this fascinating World Heritage site.
Site Interpretation
Touristic and archaeological sites often lack solid interpretive signs. We specialize in designing interpretive solutions that are durable and sensitive to their context. Our interpretive signs can be seen across most archaeological sites in Jordan. (Designed by Zaid Masannat during tenure with USAID/SIYAHA Project)
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem sadips ipsums aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem sadips ipsums aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
An international firm of architects, planners and interior designers specialising in a wide range of commercial, residential and public sector projects.
Etiam purus lorem, aliquet a eros sit amet, vestibulum finibus augue. Cras egestas neque vitae dui tincidunt, vitae tristique tellus volutpat. Fusce justo ante, interdum in augue in, commodo imperdiet turpis.